Aberdeen Perth Gateway 2024

In a record turnout, Agent General John Langoulant AO and team celebrated the longstanding connections between Aberdeen and Perth and explored future collaboration opportunities.

David Burrows by David Burrows,

The Perth Aberdeen-Gateway is core event on the London Office’s calendar with this event marking the 6th and largest iteration of this important engagement .

Western Australia (WA) and Aberdeen share a close and long-standing relationship based on both jurisdictions’ deep reliance on traditional but increasingly new energy sectors.

Traditionally WA’s engagement in Aberdeen has been focused on fostering opportunities across oil and gas supply chains. The conversation has now shifted to the energy transition and the imperative to reduce the reliance on carbon intensive energy sources, to meet international climate obligations.

In a record turnout, the event drew in leading government and industry players to consider the collective challenges and opportunities for both jurisdictions.

This Gateway took a deep dive into decommissioning, where we were pleased to welcome Francis Norman, CEO of the Centre for Decommissioning Australia to showcase the vast opportunities in decommissioning in Western Australia

This annual event plays a key role in attracting delegations from the Scottish region to the annual AOG Conference which is held in Perth.

The feedback from the Aberdeen-Perth Gateway has been very positive and it is clear there are well established business to business interests between Perth and Aberdeen as well as promising discussions on possible new ventures. In addition to these events, one-on-one meetings were held on energy transition issues with the Net Zero Technology Centre and on skills related matters with the North East Scotland College and Robert Gordon University

Once again, the Aberdeen-Perth Gateway has demonstrated the efficacy of cultivating the complementary and growing partnership between the offshore sector in Aberdeen and Perth. It is anticipated that the next Aberdeen Perth Gateway will be held in early 2025.