Brownes Dairy Launches Hunt and Brew in the UK

The Exhibition Hall in Australia House hasn’t had as energetic, musically loud and most especially as tasty a product launch for a long time than that delivered by Western Australia’s Brownes Dairy, with the launch of its Hunt and Brew ready-to-drink speciality coffee into the UK market.

Mr John Langoulant AO by Mr John Langoulant AO,

Brownes Dairy CEO Ms Natalie Sarich-Dayton, together with the Australian High Commissioner, His Excellency the Hon Stephen Smith, launched the new to market product which will retail through the vast TESCO retail chain. Brownes is seeking to emulate the success of the ready-to-drink (RTD) coffee which is generating sales of over $20 million a year into the UK’s RTD coffee segment that is worth over £300 million a year. It has enjoyed a great start being voted the best coffee in a recent poll by the Daily Mail.

Natalie Sarich-Dayton described the Hunt and Brew product as made of fresh milk, single-origin coffee beans and no added sugar. While the product has been marketed in Singapore and Malaysia, the breakthrough into the London and UK markets is another first for WA products. Assisted by the Australia-UK Free Trade Agreement, the entry into the UK has been three years in the making.

The launch of the product in Australia House was recognised by Ms Sarich-Dayton who thanked Sally Janssen from the WA London Office together with Austrade and the High Commission staff. The photo below from the launch was taken by Troy Aidoo.